Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Fria StruccantiPiù Make-up Wipes Milk Cleanser with Enerskin Complex Review

Hi dear!
Time ago I bought the Italian magazine Viversani e Belli and I had the possibility to try these make-up wipes by Fria.
I decided to test these wipes with a full make-up, that means foundation, lipstick eye make up..everything!

Let start with the Fria StruccantiPiù Make-up Wipes Milk Cleanser with Enerskin Complex.
This wipe works fine. The wipe tissue is well structured, honeycomb like and it captures well make up. Unfortunately, the wipe is not imbued as I would like to. In fact, for finishing the cleaning I used my usual micellar water.
The good point is that is very delicate and it does not irritate eyes at all.
My rating: 7/10 because for cleaning the face after a travel is very good and delicate. It is not good for heavy make up, but for cleaning the base could be good.

Let's move to the Fria struccantipiu’ Milk Cleanser with Argan Oil.
These wipes are not so good, they are dry. The tissue is flat ad it does not capture well make up. 
I would not suggest them for removing make up or just foundation.
My rating: 5/10

Have you ever tried these wipes?
Let me know in the comments!

That's all for today,
See you soon!


p.s. Go like my FaceBook page to stay updated on my latest eye make up! =)

p.p.s. now I'm also on Twitter and on Instagram! 



  1. Thanks for the review. I am not crazy about cleasing wipes. Last time I used them was on a holiday and I ended up with an eye infection :/

    1. Oh what a shame sweetie...do you remember the brand, by chance? Let me know...

  2. Great post...
    Have a nice day.

  3. La verdad es que no conocía esta marca, gracias por la review. Un beso

  4. Não conhecia, mas acho bem interessante sim.

    >>blog Usei Hoje<<
    > Instagram<

  5. Usually I don`t use this kind of products, but thanks for the nice review!

    1. Thanks dear! I don't use these products too usually :D

  6. Parecem bons, mas não uso muito esse tipo de lenço.

    >>blog Usei Hoje<<
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