Saturday, July 20, 2013

Gold Desert Rose Eye Make Up

Today I realized this make up:

Here the eyeshadows I used:

1) I blended along the socket line this wonderful colour which is Desert Rose number 17 by NYX, this is a blush but I used it as an eyeshadow =)

2) near lashes and the tear duct I applied a gold from the 4EYES palette number 05 by PUPA (here another make up where I used this palette)

3) under the eyebrows I blended this shimmery and very pale rose by Madina, Vintage Memories Collection REF 70608

EYESHADOWS:see above;

EYE PENCIL:the TRUE LIPS by PUPA number 25;

MASCARA: Maybelline 3X volum'express;

EYESHADOW BASE: the Advanced Eye Fix Primer by Elizabeth Arden.

If you have some suggestions or ideas please feel free to tell me what you think , I'm always happy to read all the comments!
Thanks for staying a while here,

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  1. I really love how those shadows look with your eye colour! Very pretty.

  2. perfetto per il tuo occhio! hai un colore stupendo!

    kiss from pausacioccolata fashion&cosmetics

  3. The name is perfect for this makeup look. have a great weekend :)
